Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:

As members of PhRMA, we believe improving human life means celebrating human diversity
Children exploring

Philadelphia STEM Equity Collective

The Philadelphia STEM Equity Collective is a 10-year collaborative effort to increase the number of diverse Philadelphia students entering STEM careers. GSK is honored to bring together Philadelphia schools, out-of-school time providers, universities and colleges, employers, local government and the philanthropic community using a collective impact approach to identify and close gaps confronting children from backgrounds underrepresented in STEM. In addition, GSK will support in-school programming and community efforts through an annual grantmaking process committing $1 million a year for 10 years.

Graph on disability, Gender, Lgbt+, Race & Ethnicity

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Progress & Commitments

We’ve made good progress – delivered a new inclusion training, launched a development program for ethnically diverse employees, and we’re reviewed and enhanced our recruitment and selection processes – to name a few. We’re eager to achieve even more – so in March 2021, GSK set new aspirations for gender and ethnically diverse representation in senior roles in the UK and US by the end of 2025. 

Hands of many colors forming a circle

Recruiting Diverse Talent 

We’re committed to improving diversity at GSK by recruiting and appointing diverse talent that mirrors the communities in which we work and serve. We have a strong track record of attracting ethnically diverse talent on our graduate programs. We’ve made several changes to widen participation by investing in a challenging and progressive, strengths-based recruitment process that allows us to select the very best talent for GSK. This means we don't rely on traditional screening criteria alone, e.g. which school or university candidates attended. For example, one of the early talent diversity programs we’re involved with is the HBCU (historically black colleges and universities) Partnership Challenge.

Environmental Sustainability:

As members of PhRMA, we believe a healthy environment is essential for improving human life
View of Earth with a plant growing from the top


Our climate strategy covers the full value chain of emissions reductions across our own operations, our supplier base and emissions from patient use of our products. We have set out a projected pathway to reaching net zero carbon by 2030 and identified the key activities that will help us reach this goal. We have joined RE100 and have committed to using 100% renewable electricity by 2025.

View of Earth with a plant growing from the top


We will achieve zero operational waste through minimizing the amount of waste we generate - both hazardous and non-hazardous - and diverting the material we do generate into circular cycles, for example reuse, recycling and composting. Our commitment to operational waste includes eliminating single use plastics in our operations by 2030 (excluding those plastics which are critical to product discovery and development, health and safety, and meeting regulatory obligations).

Access & Affordability:

As members of PhRMA, we believe that living our mission of improving human life relies on broad access to medicines
A heart, a hospital Icon and a speech bubble forming a circle around an icon of a person

Access Strategies

We want our medicines and vaccines to be accessible to everyone who needs them, no matter where they live. We are making our products affordable and available to more people around the world through responsible pricing, strategic access programs and partnerships.

Save the Children

Save the Children and GSK joined forces in 2013. Our innovative ten-year partnership with Save the Children goes beyond the traditional corporate charity fundraising model to help save one million children’s lives.  We are combining GSK’s scientific and manufacturing expertise with Save the Children’s on-the-ground experience to find new ways to help bring down the number of children dying from preventable and treatable diseases.

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