Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:

As members of PhRMA, we believe improving human life means celebrating human diversity
Hands of many colors forming a circle

Gender Parity in Management

Within Bayer we have set ourselves the goal of gradually establishing gender parity at all management levels by 2030.


In 2021, we released our goals for gender balance across the Bayer Group. We aim to increase

female representation to 33% across our entire top management by 2025, and to 50% across

all other management levels by the same year. We then aim to increase the share of women in

top management to 50% as well by 2030.

Supplier Diversity

The Bayer Supplier Inclusion & Diversity program provides equitable access to procurement opportunities globally. Bayer proactively considers qualified businesses owned by persons who have historically not been granted.

Environmental Sustainability:

As members of PhRMA, we believe a healthy environment is essential for improving human life
View of Earth with a plant growing from the top


Bayer is committed to conserving and restoring biodiversity within and beyond agricultural fields through our technologies and services. In addition to our current approaches and business models, we need to find creative ways and new partnerships to better address the nexus between climate change and nature degradation and the need to improve food security.

View of Earth with a plant growing from the top

Water Conservation

In our Water Position, we commit to complying with international, national and local legislation to protect water resources, using them as sparingly as possible and further reducing emissions into water. In our water stewardship strategy, we address a variety of factors connected with water, from operational water use and innovative products such as seeds with a reduced water requirement to our commitment in the value chain and cooperation with partners. We support the CEO Water Mandate of the U.N. Global Compact with the goal of working with key stakeholders to develop sustainable strategies for water usage.

View of Earth with a plant growing from the top

Our Net Zero Target

We have set ourselves the target to achieve net zero GHG emissions including our entire value chain by 2050 or sooner and signed the Business Ambition for 1.5°C.


We will reduce our Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 42% until end of 2029 compared to our 2019 baseline.

View of Earth with a plant growing from the top

Protecting the Environment: Energy

Our energy needs have the greatest direct impact on our greenhouse gas emissions. Among the targets we have set within the context of our climate strategy is to cover 100% of purchased electricity needs with renewable energies by 2030.

Access & Affordability:

As members of PhRMA, we believe that living our mission of improving human life relies on broad access to medicines
A heart, a hospital Icon and a speech bubble forming a circle around an icon of a person

Strengthening Healthcare Access

Now, more than ever before, progress cannot be achieved without partnerships. As such, we are actively collaborating with NGOs, governments, and other public and private organizations, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Access Accelerated and the Antimicrobial Resistance Action Fund, to extend our reach and impact. Going forward, we will look to broaden and deepen partnerships with like-minded organizations as we pursue our vision.

A heart, a hospital Icon and a speech bubble forming a circle around an icon of a person

Support Underserved Communities with Self-Care

By 2030, we will be supporting 100 million people in economically or medically underserved communities each year with self-care. At least half the world’s population currently has no access to basic health services, including self-medication products. We want to change this through the availability of appropriate products and education.

A heart, a hospital Icon and a speech bubble forming a circle around an icon of a person

Access to Modern Contraception

By 2030, we will be satisfying the need of 100 million women in LMICs for modern contraception each year. According to the United Nations, gender equality will be a decisive factor for the world’s future economic and social development. We want to strengthen the role of women and intensify our efforts in modern family planning.

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