RESEARCH IN YOUR BACKYARDSince 2004, biopharmaceutical research companies have conducted or are conducting more than 6,100 clinical trials of new medicines in Tennessee in collaboration with clinical research centers and hospitals. These clinical trials have investigated or are investigating some of Tennessee’s biggest health care challenges, including asthma, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
“Clinical trials are a key research tool for advancing medical knowledge and patient care. They also are an economic driver, not only to the regions where they are performed, but also nationally and globally. Additionally, clinical trial results can help health care decision-makers direct resources to the strategies and treatments that work best and are safe. Patients from minority populations should be adequately represented in clinical trials since treatments affect a range of patient groups differently.” --Russell E. Poland, Ph.D. Vice President for Research Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Meharry Medical College