Ask About Adherence: New resources from The Medication Adherence Alliance

The Medication Adherence Alliance’s new website serves as a comprehensive repository of up-to-date adherence resources.

Amey Sutkowski
Samantha DoughertyJune 28, 2016

Ask About Adherence: New resources from The Medication Adherence Alliance

AskAboutAdherence_Header.jpgAsk About Adherence is a blog series featuring Q&A’s with experts and new medication adherence resources. In this post, we spotlight a new website from The Medication Adherence Alliance, an organization comprised of representatives from consumer advocacy groups, community health providers, non-profit groups, the academic community, decision-making government officials and industry representatives.

Stay tuned for the next blog and be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Launched in early 2016, The Medication Adherence Alliance’s new website serves as a comprehensive repository of up-to-date adherence resources. From patient tools to new research findings to updates on related policies, the website provides a wealth of information for the health care community on medication adherence. Features include:

  • Patient and Provider Toolkits: Including a variety of products patients and providers can use to encourage medication adherence;
  • Adherence Facts: Key information for all members of the health care community;
  • Promising Practices: A compilation of current practices, as well as practices under development, that aim to help patients remain adherent; and
  • Research Compendium: Consisting of original research, reviews and meta-analyses and commentaries.

adhere.pngAs an additional resource, The Medication Adherence Alliance, with representatives from the PhRMA Foundation, Duke University and Prescriptions for a Healthy America, is organizing an upcoming conference, “Suboptimal Medication Use and Population Health – Intersection of Research, Implementation, and Policy Conference” to be held later this year in Washington, DC.

The conference will assemble a variety of stakeholders representing diverse backgrounds – including payers, patients, researchers, policymakers and government officials – to identify and disseminate practical and effective strategies to improve population health through better medication use. Sessions will focus on the use of health information technology, successes and challenges around adherence programs, the role of policy, and measurement and quality improvement, among other topics.

Ask-About-Adherence-Thumbnail-1.jpegAdditional details will be available on The Medication Adherence Alliance’s website as the conference nears.

Visit to check out all of the resources.

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