Using traditional HTAs to determine coverage threatens patient access to medicine
Traditional HTAs, such as those used by ICER, ignore differences in disease burden and treatment effectiveness across patient populations.
Traditional HTAs, such as those used by ICER, ignore differences in disease burden and treatment effectiveness across patient populations.
Concerns about the cost of health care have led to calls for the use of health technology assessments or HTAs by the federal government. This would allow government agencies to make important decisions about patient access to health care based on their determination of the value of new tests and treatments. In this series, we’ll explore how this controversial practice:
As we work to make our health care system more resilient, affordable and equitable, every reform must pass a simple test: Does it protect patient access? Extreme policies based on political rhetoric won’t solve the underlying health care challenges facing patients.
The recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act gives CMS unprecedented new authority to use comparative effectiveness research — including HTAs — to make centralized judgments about the value of certain treatments. It’s vital for policymakers to reduce these risks. Not only do HTAs exacerbate health disparities, rely on a non-existent hypothetical “average” patient and ignore patient perspectives, but they also threaten access to life-saving care.
Health plans, government programs and other payers risk restricting access to treatments that may be valuable to populations already impacted by inequities if they rely on HTA to determine a medicines value:
As we work to improve our health care system, only patient-centered solutions will help those most in need. Value assessments offer one tool to support value in health care, but they should not be used to impose one-size-fits-all standards of care or deny patients access to life-saving treatments.
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